learn more about the benefits of riboflavin


What is Riboflavin?

Vitamin B2 / Riboflavin is one of the water-soluble vitamins. It’s usually taken as part of a B Complex. People need a daily dosage of it since it cannot be stored in the body. It is important for maintaining overall human health. For example, it plays a major role in your energy production and represents an essential nutrient in your diet. It can also serve as an antioxidant, which slows the pace of aging. When you don’t have enough vitamin B2 in your body, your metabolism might be hampered and you might have signs like higher sensitivity to light, parched lips, inflammation in the mouth, premature wrinkles, anemia, fatigue, skin problems, and poor digestion.

Where can I get Riboflavin?

Vitamin B2 is found in various food sources, though usually in small quantities. Some of the good sources of riboflavin are dairy products, brewer’s yeast, dry-roasted soybeans, oily fish, shellfish, mushrooms, beans, and dark leafy green vegetables.

An alternative is to take supplements which can be in the form of vitamin B complex (containing several different B-vitamins) or as a single Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). They range from about 30 milligram (mg) per pill to about 100 milligrams. Be sure to read the label.

For best results, always take vitamins with food.

How much Riboflavin should I take if I have symptoms?

First day or onset of symptoms:
Take 100 mg every two hours for a daily total of up to 800 mg

Second day or as symptoms continue:
Follow the same regimen of 100 mg every two hours for a daily total of up to 800 mg

As symptoms subside:
Take 100 mg in the AM and 100 mg each AM and PM (= 200 mg total)

It might be beneficial if you expose yourself to natural sunlight for 30-60 minutes shortly after taking the B2 supplement

Excess riboflavin is excreted via urine likely turning it a bright yellow color.

How much Riboflavin should I take if I just want to stay healthy?

Consider Riboflavin your wellness seat belt. If you’d like to take it as a precaution or as you do any other vitamin, here are a few suggestions for you to consider. Always consider talking with your health care provider.

Take 100 mg in the AM or 50 mg each AM and PM (=100 mg total) 

It might be beneficial if you expose yourself to natural sunlight for 30-60 minutes shortly after taking the B2 supplement

Excess riboflavin is excreted via urine and likely is to be a bright yellow color.

Caution - Avoid taking Riboflavin at the same time eating or using grapefruit, alcohol, and Goldenseal (contraindications might be possible). Talk to your healthcare provider if you take other medication especially antibiotics and antidepressants. If you feel worse, discontinue and contact your health care provider!