At a time when science and medicine should be in “try-or-die” mode reminiscent of the lessons learned in the early days of HIV/AIDS, this has not been the experience of Michael Levine and those working with him spread out across the country and globe. The loosely knit team includes scientists, doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, business people and others passionate to find a pathway to “normal.”

Levine, a passionate researcher of history and design theory, coupled with a healthy dose of chaos theory thrown in, has been studying the virus before it was revealed to have hit the shores of the U.S. A welder, artist and builder of machines, he began to look at SARS-CoV-2 three-dimensionally to find its weak spots. An understanding of these weaknesses has identified a method to stop what the virus does naturally - reproduce within a host cell. Levine, pushing the team to think differently, believes they have a path to address this global pandemic that is easily scalable, low cost and, most importantly, may be rapidly deployed.

The method, used before in treatment of more than a million people in Africa, indicates that a way to manage the virus is to attack its ability to multiply using sunlight ultraviolet rays and riboflavin, also known at B2. Because this treatment does not require the development of new drugs or newly designed equipment, the need for years of FDA approval is not required.

Science is clear on the importance of ultraviolet light and data proves its ability to inactivate the virus pathogens. Science long ago has proven riboflavin/B2 is an essential component of coenzymes that are essential to cellular function. Riboflavin has a unique role in human existence. It is a core component, a building block upon which everything else evolves. RNA, DNA and all life has riboflavin as a building block.

Additionally, studies show that vitamins and nutrition play key roles in how virus behave. People with co-morbidities, poor nutrition and little history of health care are in compromising situations to start with. 

A large scale 2018 study showed that treating the blood of diseased donors with Riboflavin/B2 inactivated any present viruses. Scientists, physicians and virologists have confirmed that the B2-UV combination kills viruses in the lab.

Levine team’s evidence-based hypothesis proposes repurposing riboflavin, delivering it in mega-doses through a system of treatments tailored to meet the needs of the patient depending on the severity of their COVID-19 illness.

Protocol Level 1: Individuals with early COVID-19 symptoms take riboflavin and get exposure to sunlight within 30-60 minutes of ingestion for approximately 20 minutes.

Protocol Level 2: For those with serious symptoms, treatment through health care professionals would require mixing the patient’s drawn blood with riboflavin in an IV-blood bag. The bagged blood is then irradiated with UV light. After irradiation, the virus present in the blood drawn will be whole and inactivated. The blood including the dead virus is then returned back into the patient by injection with dosing at intervals that would be adjusted based on observed patient outcome.

Additional more intensive protocols are available and under patent pending efforts.

All these solutions were hiding in plain sight for Levine. He just did the digging, much like uncovering the history of relevant buildings he has helped save in Phoenix and elsewhere. Traced back to their origins and the people behind them, he believes origin stories, like vitamin B2, always reveal the answer.

Levine and his team need help advancing to next steps. “Normal channels” may not make sense. When you live in chaos theory, and realize the case for the solution has created more damage than the virus itself, you can feel that passionate urgency of Levine’s push to get people to think differently and connect the dots that are hiding in plain sight. Chasing a “vaccine” for a cold virus, which SARS-CoV-2 is, is a waste of time to him. Instead he’d like to cast a wide enough net to prove the protocols respectively, and even determine if taking B2 as a preventive measure makes sense. Since you can’t overdose on Riboflavin/B2, it can’t hurt. Levine points to the science from years past that is screaming at the world to pay attention. The effect of Riboflavin/B2 and the effect of ultraviolet on RNA is a great baseline. Refinements come with determining dosages and tracking the processes.

Levine didn’t pursue a career to save old historically-relevant buildings. He just knows it was the right thing to do and brought the true character of a place forward. He’s doing the same thing here with his ideas for the various protocols – seize on what’s proven, recognize the simplicity of the science, and help people get their lives back.

The question is, with the stakes so high, will anyone listen?


Sabine Z.jpg

Contractor at YourEncore Indianapolis, IN
Plans and executes independent lab research for an R&D microbiology team

Lead Consultant at Bio-Consulting and Translation Services, Alexandria KY
Literature researches in biological topics and translation and editing services of technical texts to and from German and English

Principal Investigator at Spirofast Technologies LLC, Highland Heights KY
Researching bacterial media to enhance growth of spirochetes and developing molecular and seriological detection methods

Adjunct Faculty at Northern Kentucky University (NKU), Highland Heights KY
Teaching courses and labs in general biology, microbiology, virology, and genetics

Postdoctoral Researcher at Oregon State University (OSU)
Department of Botany & Plantpathology with research topic: creation of DNA plamids containing viral gene sequences

Doctoral Researcher and PhD at Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUD), Germany
Department of Biology with research topic: creation of an in-vivo infectious full-length clone of strawberry mild yellow edge potexvirus

Riboflavin and Its Derivatives – “The Grease” for Cellular Machinery

A collection evidence from peer-reviewed research collated since March 2020 meant to elucidate on the mechanism of Riboflavin taken ORALLY only! Compiled by Sabine Zacate