Our Team
Levine, a passionate researcher of history and design theory, coupled with a healthy dose of chaos theory thrown in, has been studying the virus before it was revealed to have hit the shores of the U.S. A welder, artist and builder of machines, he began to look at SARS-CoV-2 three-dimensionally to find its weak spots. An understanding of these weaknesses has identified a method to stop what the virus does naturally - reproduce within a host cell. Levine, pushing the team to think differently, believes they have a path to address this global pandemic that is easily scalable, low cost and, most importantly, may be rapidly deployed.
Lead Consultant: Bio-Consulting and Translation Services | Principal Investigator: Spirofast Technologies LLC | Adjunct Faculty: Northern Kentucky University (NKU) | Postdoctoral Researcher: Department of Botany & Plantpathology Oregon State University | Doctoral Researcher and PhD: Department of Biology Technische Universität Darmstadt
Other support efforts from professionals include: membrane protein biochemist from Karolinski Insitutet, parametric computer modeler, M.D.’s from various disciplines, virologist, epidemiologist, clinical professor, other professionals.